mardi 13 juillet 2010

Do angels exist?

How many times in your life did you feel that you’ve been protected by
that invisible force or being? And to how many persons did you say "you’re
my guardian angel" when they saved you from certain situations? We all do
believe in that force that is invisible and yet very powerful and strongly
felt by all of us. Sometimes it is a person that crosses our lives briefly
and very positively. It could be an event we generally qualify as "a
blessing". Or a circumstance we call "a relief"... No matter which beliefs,
culture or tradition we have, we all feel that energy that is appeasing and
overwhelming on us. Some call it "angels", others call it "protecting
ancestors" and some others call it "good karma". Invisible forces exist,
and no one could deny that. It is just the energy that is in us, given by
nature, such as the stars, the planets, the wind and the fire and all other
elements around us. Just like guessing your needs, hopes and the solutions
you seek by simply reading some cards for you or analyzing your
psychological tests answers
. Believing, trusting and keeping the faith are
the most important elements to reunite, for you to get the best out of all
that. If you never thought about trying that, it is high time you did.
Overcome your worries and open up for the energy. Do believe in angels!

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