mardi 14 septembre 2010


Basically, horoscope is a chart of a person’s birth or it is also known as the Natal Chart. It is an extended analysis of all the planet’s position in the zodiac, for a particular place and also for a precise time and date. However, this signifies that a horoscope of any person is related on the positions of the planets according to their origin of birth, date of birth and also their exact time of birth.

One could view the daily horoscope in the representation of tables, where their formats can vary from country to country and also from culture to culture. Irrespective of the form it takes, the most common thing in all the horoscopes is based on the date, time and place of birth. It is normally a chart where the positions of moon, the sun and other constellations supplementing to the positions of planets are depicted. Moreover, these positions are marked on the chart as per their relationships to the Earth, at the time when any individual is born. Astrological predictions are based completely on the horoscopes and there are differences in each of the horoscopes depicting the personality as well as the destiny of an individual.

Source: Articlesbase